Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Chapter 1

First and foremost, this chapter discussed how integrating technology into the classroom plays a large role in learning. Furthermore, the videos implied that technology will become even more prevalent as time goes on. Moreover, the readings gave examples from the past that have been introduced into the classroom, such as movies.
Learning how to use the operating system on a Mac was difficult at first. To make this learning process easier I went online and watched some basic tutorial videos on how to use Macs. After watching these videos, I was capable of completing the tasks I needed to know how to do. Furthermore, it was interesting to find out that students learn in so many different ways. I will need to master these different areas of intelligence, so that I will become as prolific of a teacher as possible.
There are several ways in which I would implement technology into my classroom. For starters I would require my students to do a couple PowerPoint presentations throughout the year. This will help my students become more knowledgeable about the program. Furthermore, I would use which ever operating system the school district had to communicate to students' parents. This would include posting students' grades online and communicating with both the student and parent through email.

Chapter 2

This chapter was mainly focused on creating and planning instruction with technology. Furthermore, the learning environment was defined and discussed. Moreover, instructional planning was covered and keyed on the Design-Plan-Act. The DID Model was also introduced and the steps of it were revealed. Finally, lesson planning and action planning were covered.
The information I learned from this chapter is very important. Creating a good lesson plan is the foundation to a well run classroom. I thought the DID Model was the most important concept I learned. I think that following the steps laid out in this concept will make me a really effective teacher.
I will defiantly incorporate many, if not all, of these concepts into my classroom. Doing this will give my students the best possible learning environment. I might tweak these concepts in one-way or another to best suit my teaching style. This will require time and experience.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Chapter 3

This chapter covered many aspects pertaining to the computer. First, the material discussed how computers worked. Secondly, this chapter covered the idea of understanding hardware. Thirdly, understanding software was discussed. Lastly, the correlation between computers and teachers was spelled out.
For someone who is not very computer savvy this material was very helpful. Further understanding of how computers work, makes me more comfortable when using them. Our reliance on technology and computers will continue to increase and this is especially true in the field of education.
I will integrate computer technology into my classroom in several ways. I will use academic and administrative applications for many things. I can use an administrative application to keep grades and attendance records. I can use the various academic applications to give lectures or have students’ complete labs. In general, I can use this knowledge to help those students who have computer skill deficiencies.

Chapter 4

This material covered many input devices, such as tablet PCs and digital cameras. Moreover, this chapter discussed numerous output devices, such as speakers and LCD projectors. In addition, the Technologies for Special Needs were briefly described. Finally, the emerging technologies were presented. These things included virtual environments and wireless devices.
I learned about a number of technological devices that would help to enhance the classroom. The most exciting device I learned about was the tablet PC. These devices are really neat. I believe this item could replace the traditional pad and pen. Moreover, this device will forever change the appearance of a classroom.
All of this new technology is a really exciting to me as a future teacher. I would implement tablet PCs into my classroom. Then I would use them to bring e-Books into the classroom. The idea that e-books can translate material into multiple languages instantaneously is very beneficial to a classroom.

Chapter 5

This chapter covered various types of software. The software that was discussed included: presentation, word processing, spreadsheet, and data base management software. Furthermore, the functionality of this software was described. In addition, the purpose these tools have in the classroom was stated.
Though much of this information was very basic, I found it helpful. I thought the subject of Data Base Management systems was most helpful to me. I did not know much about these systems before reading this text. I now have a clearly understanding of their purpose. I also found the information on electronic spreadsheets very handy. Before this class I hadn’t had much experience with them.
I would use several types of the software discussed in this chapter. I would use spreadsheets in my classroom to keep track of students’ grades. Moreover, I would create colorful and interesting presentations to give lectures from. Lastly, data base management systems would be helpful to store some of this information on.

Chapter 6

Major components of this text were authoring systems and desktop publishing. Authoring systems help to create instructional software. Furthermore, several types of software were described, such as tutorial and editing software. Much of the software discussed helps to make instruction more interesting or visually appealing.
The part of this chapter that was beneficial to me was the authoring systems. More specifically, the multimedia authoring systems were most beneficial. It was very helpful because the text described what these systems can create. I also found the information about painting and drawing programs to be very useful. This was so because I have not had much experience with these programs.
Many parts of the material discussed in this chapter would be useful in my classroom. I would use multimedia authoring systems to create chapter reviews and lesson plans. Furthermore, I would utilize drawing programs to create images that would bring classroom discussions to life. Lastly, I would provide my students links for research via reference software.

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 was all about the World Wide Web and the internet. This material covered an array of topics from connecting to the internet to evaluating websites. Furthermore, internet communication was discussed and described things such as, chats and mailing lists. Moreover, the text highlighted what the web was and how it worked.
Much of the material covered in this chapter was very basic, but certain aspects were also helpful. The text did a nice job of stating what File Transfer Protocol or FTP was and how it worked. Before reading this chapter I was unfamiliar with the concept.
The internet and World Wide Web will be front in center in my classroom. With the pace that technology is moving it is inevitable that I use the internet in my classroom. I will likely create a web portal on my classroom homepage. Moreover, I will incorporate virtual reality worlds and simulations into my learning environment. These factors will help to enhance my classroom.

Chapter 8

This material covered three main topics. These topics were: educational web resources, web enhanced instruction, and creating a class website. Furthermore, some sub-categories were weblogs, governmental sites, and ERIC. Moreover, the many advantages of web enhanced instruction were discussed. Lastly, how to create and publish a website was described.
One drawback of this chapter was the overlap of it and chapter 7. With that being said, this chapter did get more specific about certain subjects. One section of the text that I found very helpful was the classroom management tools. It was interesting to discover tools that will create tests or help teachers track grades.
Once more I found many useful tools in this chapter. One thing I will use from this chapter is adding my classroom homepage to the school web server. I think this will give parents more comfort about their kids using the site. Finally, I will use wizards to link websites to my homepage. This will allow my students to watch educational videos via the links.

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 covered five major topics. These topics included: audio media, visual communication, visual media, video technologies, and video in teaching and learning. Most of these subjects covered both traditional and digital versions. Another theme of this chapter was how to use these tools and technologies to enrich the classroom.
This information was very helpful because it is sometimes forgotten in the classroom. The thing I thought was most interesting in this chapter was the document camera. I hadn’t heard of this device before this chapter. Furthermore, I did not know that there were several styles of video distribution in schools. This was a good thing for the text to point out.
I would try to implement as many of these things into my classroom as possible. The necessity of these items would depend on my students and the material being covered. For instance, I would take pictures of students’ projects with a digital camera to post on the class website.

Chapter 10

This text covered four key points. These key points were: what is distance education all about, technologies involved with DE, instruction pertaining to DE, and issues with distance education. The technologies category was broken down into synchronous and asynchronous. In addition, the instruction style of DE was contrasted to that of the traditional classroom.
This information was very pertinent to me considering this is my first web-class. I believe this material was also helpful because someday I might want to teach a DE or online class. With this being said, this information was helpful to me as both a current student and a future teacher. Furthermore, learning the evolution that DE has taken was very interesting.
This material was greatly useful to as a future educator. I can now create better lesson plans if I teach online courses. I now know some of the gaps that need bridged when being a DE teacher. In addition, I would try to make use of the technologies discussed.

Chapter 11

This chapter discussed five major topics. The main subjects covered were legal issues and emerging technology. Copyright and fair use, as well as privacy, was the main sub-categories of the legal issues. Furthermore, the main highlight of emerging technology was computers as appliances. The text also covered things like strategic planning and social and ethical issues.
I think this of overview of the issues in implementing technology was really helpful. All new technology has its advantages and disadvantages. The text as a whole has done a good job at making this evident. Moreover, I like how this chapter gives some ways to try and solve some of the disadvantages.
As a future teacher, this text has a lot of importance to me. I not only need to know the issues about implementing technology; I need to know to fix them. I can do this by discussing problems with my colleagues and or my students. In addition, I could read articles or blogs that have solutions to my problems.

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 covered technology, teaching, and you. This chapter discussed how it is important for teachers to keep up with technology. Moreover, this text discussed the many licenses and certifications teachers have to obtain and keep up to date. Lastly, the standards pertaining to technology were described.
This chapter had some basic information, but also had some specific material that I did not know. This information was very helpful to learn. I now know what licenses and other requirements I need as a teacher. Furthermore, I thought it was very useful that the text discussed technology and the standards that coincide with it.
Technology will continue to develop and this will forever affect me as a future teacher. I want to use all the possible enhancements that technology will provide in my classroom. I will obtain the certification and licenses necessary to do this. I will also try and learn new technologies from my students and colleagues.