Saturday, August 1, 2009

Chapter 10

This text covered four key points. These key points were: what is distance education all about, technologies involved with DE, instruction pertaining to DE, and issues with distance education. The technologies category was broken down into synchronous and asynchronous. In addition, the instruction style of DE was contrasted to that of the traditional classroom.
This information was very pertinent to me considering this is my first web-class. I believe this material was also helpful because someday I might want to teach a DE or online class. With this being said, this information was helpful to me as both a current student and a future teacher. Furthermore, learning the evolution that DE has taken was very interesting.
This material was greatly useful to as a future educator. I can now create better lesson plans if I teach online courses. I now know some of the gaps that need bridged when being a DE teacher. In addition, I would try to make use of the technologies discussed.

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