Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Chapter 1

First and foremost, this chapter discussed how integrating technology into the classroom plays a large role in learning. Furthermore, the videos implied that technology will become even more prevalent as time goes on. Moreover, the readings gave examples from the past that have been introduced into the classroom, such as movies.
Learning how to use the operating system on a Mac was difficult at first. To make this learning process easier I went online and watched some basic tutorial videos on how to use Macs. After watching these videos, I was capable of completing the tasks I needed to know how to do. Furthermore, it was interesting to find out that students learn in so many different ways. I will need to master these different areas of intelligence, so that I will become as prolific of a teacher as possible.
There are several ways in which I would implement technology into my classroom. For starters I would require my students to do a couple PowerPoint presentations throughout the year. This will help my students become more knowledgeable about the program. Furthermore, I would use which ever operating system the school district had to communicate to students' parents. This would include posting students' grades online and communicating with both the student and parent through email.

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