Saturday, August 1, 2009

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 was all about the World Wide Web and the internet. This material covered an array of topics from connecting to the internet to evaluating websites. Furthermore, internet communication was discussed and described things such as, chats and mailing lists. Moreover, the text highlighted what the web was and how it worked.
Much of the material covered in this chapter was very basic, but certain aspects were also helpful. The text did a nice job of stating what File Transfer Protocol or FTP was and how it worked. Before reading this chapter I was unfamiliar with the concept.
The internet and World Wide Web will be front in center in my classroom. With the pace that technology is moving it is inevitable that I use the internet in my classroom. I will likely create a web portal on my classroom homepage. Moreover, I will incorporate virtual reality worlds and simulations into my learning environment. These factors will help to enhance my classroom.

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